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References for Surname Kinnear
Givens Item Pages
A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 226
Alex Early history of Dorchester and the surrounding area p 6
Alex History of Sackville New Brunswick p 120
Alexander History of Sackville New Brunswick p 70
Andrew Early history of Dorchester and the surrounding area p 6, 18
Andrew History of Sackville New Brunswick p 23, 42, 52, 69, 70, 105
C.H. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 216
Courtney History of Sackville New Brunswick p 50, 51, 70, 131, 161
Ed. History of Sackville New Brunswick p 72
Edmund History of Sackville New Brunswick p 25, 47, 52, 130
Francis History of Sackville New Brunswick p 70
Geo. L., Lieut. History of Sackville New Brunswick p 94
George A history of Shediac Cape p 38
George History of Sackville New Brunswick p 25, 47, 70, 90, 98
George L. History of Sackville New Brunswick p 54
H. History of Sackville New Brunswick p 75
H.G. History of Sackville New Brunswick p 75
Harrison History of Sackville New Brunswick p 95, 119
Harrison Galen History of Sackville New Brunswick p 70
Hester A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 392
J. History of Sackville New Brunswick p 75
Jno. Early history of Dorchester and the surrounding area p 36
John History of Sackville New Brunswick p 70
Joseph Andrew Early history of Dorchester and the surrounding area p 18
L. (1862 map) Sackville New Brunswick, Canada p 11
Lennox History of Sackville New Brunswick p 55, 70
M. (1862 map) Sackville New Brunswick, Canada p 11
Marjorie A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 392
Mary C. History of Sackville New Brunswick p 55
Mr. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 137
Mr. History of Sackville New Brunswick p 38, 40
R. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 191
Richard A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 392
Thomas History of Sackville New Brunswick p 70
W. History of Sackville New Brunswick p 75
W.F. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 240
William History of Sackville New Brunswick p 25, 47, 96, 111
William Boyd History of Sackville New Brunswick p 70
Zene History of Sackville New Brunswick p 131