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Enumeration District Summary Français
1901 Census records for Blenheim (Town/Ville) A-1
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Surname Index for this enumeration district
Given Name Index for this enumeration district

PageLines Corr.
Indexing Transcriber Proof-reader
1 50 3 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Janice McEachran
2 50 0 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Janice McEachran
3 50 2 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Janice McEachran
4 50 2 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Janice McEachran
5 50 0 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Ghislaine Joiner
6 50 6 view transcribe proof Janice McEachran Wendy Hunt
7 50 1 view transcribe proof Janice McEachran Wendy Hunt
8 50 5 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Carole Bechard
9 50 4 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Carole Bechard
10 50 12 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Carole Bechard
11 50 14 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Carole Bechard
12 50 11 view transcribe proof Wendy Hunt Carole Bechard

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