ONTARIO, NORFOLK (North/Nord), Delhi (Village), A

Subdistrict Link Destinations in the 1911 Census

SubdistrictEnum. district# of links
ward 394
Port Dover523
Walsingham North303
ward 4143
Walsingham South341

?ick, Rachel

Ackermann, John W

Awde, Frank J.

Awde, Johnathan

Awde, Martha P

Ball, Joseph F

Ball, Margret

Barham, Angeline

Barham, William

Barker, Sarah

Bartlett, Mary J

Bartram, Carrie R

Bartram, Martin

Bartram, Robert

Beckett, Gladdis

Beckett, Joseph

Beckett, Rose

Beckett, Stanley

Bell, B Frank

Bell, Harriet A

Birdsell, Estella

Birdsell, Harry E

Birdsell, Henry W

Birdsell, John

Blumenstein, Elizabeth

Blumenstein, Martin

Buck, Jane

Buck, Joseph

Buck, William

Burkart, Magdelina

Burtling, Annie L.

Burtling, David

Burtling, Elizabeth

Burtling, Francis L.

Burtling, Joseph

Burtling, William

Byen?, Amy M

Byen?, Gordon G

Church, Eliza A.

Church, Joseph

Craven, Clarence W.

Craven, Herbert

Craven, Ouren

Craven, Rachel E.

Crosier, Allen J

Crosier, James W

Crysler, ?l?? M

Crysler, Ezra

Crysler, Frederick S

Crysler, Hannah J

Crysler, Jane Ann

Crysler, Mary

Crysler, Mildred S

Crysler, Roger

Crysler?, Aquila?

Crysler?, Carlton ?

Crysler?, Christina

Crysler?, Gertrude F

Crysler?, Pauline E

Dalton, ?

Dalton, ?

Dalton, ?

Dalton, Leta H

Dickeson, Dennis A

Dickeson, Elizabeth E

Dickeson, Henry

Dickeson, Sarah A

Duncomb, Minnie

Ferguson, Annie

Ferguson, Elizabeth

Ferguson, Rod

Ferguson, William A

Fonger, Emma

Fonger, Ida

Frezell, Augustus

Gerhard, Adam

Gerhard, Agnes

Gerhard, Arthur

Gerhard, Blanch

Gerhard, Clarence

Gerhard, Elizebath

Gerhard, Elsie

Gerhard, Leola

Gerhard, Mable

Gerhard, Martha Jane

Gerhard, Myrtle

Gerhard, Pearl

Gilbert, Ellen

Gilbert, Hiram

Gilbert, Susan

Gingell, Edward J

Gingell, Erva H.

Gingell, Rosena K

Gingell, Thomas E

H???ling, Sam W

Havens, Margret

Heath, Eugene D

Heath, Julia A

Heath, Metimer

Heath, Nellie J

Hickling?, Ada F

Hickling?, Chars ?

Hickling?, Maud L

Hicks, George D.

Hicks, Mary

Hilliker, Elgin

Hilliker, Fanny E

Hilliker, Henry H

Hilliker, Louise M

Hilliker, Mary E

Ho?son, Arthur R

Ho?son, Nina A

Hotson, George

Hotson, Janet

Howey, Francis J

Howey, Georganna I

Howey, John

Hubbard, John

Hubbard, Mary

Innis, Mary M.

Jameson, Emma

Kellum, Ester

Kellum, Howard H.

Kellum, Jason W

Kellum, May E.

Kellum, Warren B

Kent, Annie R.

Kent, Bessie M

Kent, George G.

Kent, Gladdis O E

Kent, Ila M

Kent, Lydia

Kent, Mary A.

Kent, Minnie M

Kent, William R.

Kent, Winnie M

Lang, Isaac

Lang, Mary

Laur?, Annie

Lawson, James A

Lawson, Susan

Lee, Margret

Lefler?, Annie M

Longstreet, Edward

Longstreet, Margaret

Lyness, Cecil E

Lyness, Estela B

Lyness, Larence?

Lyness, Richard

Lyness, Vera W

Massecar, Leland?

Massecar, Phoeba A

McClarey, Ethel

Meredith, Martha M

Meredith, Sarah E

Messacar, Casus MC Clay

Messacar, Harry C

Messacar, Magdelina

Messacar, Sarah B

Messiceh?, Gean M

Mlels?, Alonzo

Mlels?, Effy

Mlels?, Gordon

Mlels?, Herbert S

Morfan?, Edward

Morfan?, Myrtle M.

Morfan?, Pla???

Morfan?, Violet M

Morfan?, Wilson

Morgan, Harry S

Morgan, Thomas E.

Mussel, James

Mussell, Henry

Mussell, Ida M

Mussell, Penella

Park, Flora T.

Park, Greta P

Park, Mary E

Park, Pierre L

Park, William H

Pearl, Jack E

Pearl, Mary

Pearl, Morris C

Pearson, Harry

Pearson, Mary

Pedlow, John

Pedlow, Mary J

Pedlow, Robert John

Pemberton, Lydia E

Pettet, Francis M.

Power, Annie

Power, Fred

Power, Leverne

Power, Robert

Pullin, Florence M

Pullin, Sarrah E

Quance, Bertha E L

Quance, Frank R

Quance, George E

Quance, Hannah L

Quance, Margret

Quance, Peter

Quance, Robert

Quance, Stanley T.

Roman, Joseph

Schmidt, Doris

Schmidt, Fred

Schmidt, George

Schmidt, John

Schmidt, Leona E

Schmidt, Mary

Smith, Martha A.

Smith, Ollive E

Smoke, Charles

Smoke, David A

Smoke, Mary

Steel, Arthur E

Steel, Earl W

Steel, Elizebath

Steel, Evans E

Stizakar, Ceclia

Stizakar, Theresa

Stoddard, Amanda

Stoddard, CAroline

Stoddard, Reta W.

Stowe, Eliza

Stowe, William

Street, Edie (?) A

Street, George H

Street, Harry

Strout, Sherman

Sutherland, Eleanor

Trembly, Marthat (?)

Ward, Albert W

Ward, Arthur W.

Ward, Fannie

Ward, Nellie E.

Wark, Charles A

Wark, Emlay A.

Wark, James

Wark, John W

Warning, Carrie L

Warning, Clarence M

Warning, Fred

Whitehead, ?????

Whitehead, Elizabeth

Whitehead, Fred E

Whitehead, Henry E

Whitehead, Mary M

Whitehead, Nelson W

Whitehead, Sarrah

Whiteside, Bruce

Whiteside, Evelyn M

Whiteside, Le Roy

Whiteside, Mary E

Whiteside, Pauline

Whiteside, Wilbur H

Wilbur, Mary A.

Wilbur, William H.

Wilson, Albert J.

Wilson, Arthur John

Wilson, Caroline

Wilson, Elizebath

Wilson, Julia F.

Wilson, Minnie A

Wilson, Victor T.

Yager, Frederick

Yager, Rosa

Youngs, James A.