ONTARIO, LEEDS (South/Sud), Lansdowne & Leeds (Front), F-6

Subdistrict Link Destinations in the 1911 Census

SubdistrictEnum. district# of links
Leeds and Lansdowne Front Township11137
Leeds and Lansdowne Front Township12109
Escott Front145
Smiths Falls325
Escott Front134
Leeds and Lansdowne Rear Township162
Yonge Front151

Aldrain, Lucy A

Allen, Eliza

Allen, John H

Allen, Minnie J

Allen, Mona A

Armstrong, Eliza

Armstrong, Samuel B

Beatty, Abbigal B

Beatty, Adam

Bevins, Frederic A.

Bradley, Edwin R

Bradley, Ellen

Bradley, Joseph A

Bradley, Joseph Arthur

Bryan, Regie

Burns, Agnes

Burns, Arthur

Burns, Bryce

Burns, Bulah

Burns, Rebeca Mrs

Burns, William

Cornett, Jurah A

Darling, Almira

Darling, George A.

Darling, John D W

Darling, Thomas J

Deane, Emy

Deane, George H

Dillon, Ida M

Dillon, Renfrew

Dillon, Robert S

Dixon, Anne

Dixon, Eliza

Dixon, James F

Dixon, Stanley C E

Doak, Elsie

Doak, Freeman

Doak, Jane

Doak, Joseph

Doak, Mary E

Douglas, Elizabeth

Foley, Ann J

Foley, Blanch

Foley, Clark R L

Foley, James P

Foley, Kate E E

Foley, Loyd D

Foley, William B

Foley, William T

Fredenburg, Alice E

Fredenburg, Charles

Fredenburg, Floyd S

Fredenburg, Ford W

Fredenburg, N. Karl

Gilbert, Mary

Gilbert, Thomas

Graham, David

Herbison, Jacob

Horton, Elizabeth

Johnson, Leslie

Keating, James H.

Keating, Rachell

Latimer, Eliza

Latimer, Jane

Latimer, John

Latimer, Minnie

Leacock, Eliza A

Leacock, Ethel M

Leacock, Mildred

Lynch, James P

McConnell, Fred W

McConnell, Georgina

McConnell, William

McCullough, ?

McCullough, Charles W.

McCullough, George S.

McNeil, Bruce

McNeil, Byron W

McNeil, Elizabeth

McNeil, Freemon

McNeil, Mary A

McVeigh, Emily E

Medall?, Jene E

Medall?, Mary

Mekle, William F

Mitchell, Francas

Mitchell, Mitchell

Monfort, John

Moore, Agness

Moore, Byron R

Moore, Harriet A

Moore, Hasell E

Moore, Mable L

Moore, Margaret A

Moore, Riley

Moore, Wesley

Morehead, An

Peck, James A

Redmond, George O

Redmond, Harris?

Redmond, Mary L

Robertson, Andy

Sheppard, Daniel G

Sheppard, Edith L

Sheppard, Emly J

Sheppard, Gordon W

Sheppard, Lulu E

Sheppard, Orisa ?

Sheppard, Robert G

Sheppard, William

Sherord, Agnes

Shields, John

Shields, Joseph

Shields, Maggie E.

Shields, Mary M

Shields, Thomas

Shipman, David

Shipman, Susan

Stoops, Eliza A

Stoops, John

Surplie, Eliza J

Surplie, Francis

Surplie, Henry G

Turner, Jane

Turner, Joseph L

Turner, Robert C

Wallis, Edith C

Wallis, Matilda

Wallis, William H

Warren, Joseph H

Webster, Emma

Webster, Ferne

Webster, Maryan

Webster, Norman N

Webster, Roso P

Wright, ?unfred

Wright, Jane