1901 Census of Canada Page Information |
District: | ON RENFREW (South/Sud) (#111) |
Subdistrict: | Admaston
Page 10 |
Image: |
View the image with:
split screen Images are from National Archives Web Site |
Details: | Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6494 |
Transcriber: | Elaine Mary Hanniman |
Proof reader: | Lesley O'Neil |
Proof reader: | Tracey Sheady |
Note: this index is only a partial transcription of the original form, see the image for the complete census data.
indicates a note applies to this line, see the bottom of the page.
If you find a transcription error on this page please use the
proof page
to verify the error is in the transcription and not the original, and to report it.
79 |
Collans Michael |
M |
Head |
M |
Jan 6 |
1838 |
79 |
Collans Catherine |
F |
Wife |
M |
Aug 4 |
1845 |
79 |
Collans Richard |
M |
Son |
S |
May 16 |
1876 |
79 |
Collans Allis |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Dec 5 |
1880 |
79 |
Collans Kate |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Dec 3 |
1882 |
79 |
Collans John |
M |
Son |
S |
Sep 21 |
1885 |
80 |
Foley Mrs. Martin |
F |
Head |
W |
Mar 3 |
1835 |
80 |
Foley Maggie |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Feb 26 |
1859 |
80 |
Foley Michael |
M |
Son |
S |
Jun 12 |
1872 |
80 |
Foley Martin |
M |
Son |
S |
Apr 23 |
1874 |
81 |
Doney Theodore |
M |
Head |
M |
Jan 25 |
1842 |
81 |
Doney Mary |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Dec 24 |
1876 |
81 |
Doney Herman |
M |
Son |
S |
Apr 15 |
1883 |
81 |
Doney August |
M |
Son |
S |
Aug 14 |
1885 |
81 |
Doney Emma |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Nov 24 |
1888 |
81 |
Doney Willie |
M |
Son |
S |
Feb 8 |
1891 |
81 |
Doney Helena |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Mar 25 |
1893 |
82 |
Hanrahan Patrick |
M |
Head |
M |
Mar 17 |
1861 |
82 |
Hanrahan Sarrah |
F |
Wife |
M |
Feb 8 |
1871 |
82 |
Hanrahan Patrick |
M |
Son |
S |
Apr 29 |
1899 |
82 |
Hanrahan Annie May |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Nov 30 |
1900 |
83 |
McNulty Mrs. Ellen |
F |
Head |
W |
Sep 21 |
1860 |
83 |
McNulty Martha |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Apr 3 |
1892 |
83 |
McNulty Maggie |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Feb 17 |
1894 |
83 |
McGrath Peter |
M |
Brother |
S |
Mar 10 |
1871 |
83 |
McNulty John |
M |
Son |
S |
Mar 12 |
1882 |
84 |
Enright Owen |
M |
Head |
M |
Jan 1 |
1867 |
84 |
Enright Catherine |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jun 28 |
1867 |
84 |
Enright Dinnis |
M |
Son |
S |
Aug 5 |
1898 |
84 |
Enright Patrick J. |
M |
Son |
S |
Feb 9 |
1900 |
85 |
Kielly John C. |
M |
Head |
M |
Jun 13 |
1851 |
85 |
Kielly Johanna |
F |
Wife |
M |
Feb 25 |
1856 |
85 |
Kielly John |
M |
Son |
S |
May 8 |
1885 |
85 |
Kielly Minnie |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jun 3 |
1886 |
85 |
Kielly Hanna |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jan 10 |
1889 |
85 |
Kielly Bridget |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Aug 7 |
1891 |
85 |
Kielly Allas |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jul 19 |
1893 |
85 |
Kielly Mary |
F |
Mother |
W |
Jun 8 |
1820 |
85 |
Kielly Michael |
M |
Brother |
S |
Sep 25 |
1842 |
86 |
McAdam William |
M |
Head |
M |
Feb 17 |
1852 |
86 |
McAdam Cathrine |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jan 16 |
1858 |
86 |
McAdam Mary Ann |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Oct 8 |
1887 |
86 |
McAdam James |
M |
Son |
S |
Mar 8 |
1891 |
87 |
Coulas John |
M |
Head |
W |
Jun 22 |
1855 |
87 |
Coulas Michael |
M |
Son |
S |
Sep 10 |
1883 |
87 |
Coulas Stephin |
M |
Son |
S |
Sep 25 |
1885 |
87 |
Coulas John |
M |
Son |
S |
Jan 5 |
1887 |
87 |
Coulas Francis |
M |
Son |
S |
Aug 9 |
1889 |
87 |
Coulas Mary |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jun 7 |
1893 |
87 |
Coulas Joseph |
M |
Son |
S |
Feb 21 |
1896 |
Line Notes On This Page
The following note applies to line 1:
'This page and the next were done out of order. Therefore the household numbers need to be adjusted.' |
The following note applies to line 1:
'This household should be #80, not 79.' |
The following note applies to line 7:
'This household should be 81, not 80.' |
The following note applies to line 11:
'This household should be 82, not 81.' |
The following note applies to line 18:
'This household should be 83, not 82.' |
Surname Notes On This Page
In household 78, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Collans',
a suggested alternative surname is 'Collins'.
In household 78, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Collans',
a suggested alternative surname is 'Collins'.
In household 81, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Doney',
a suggested alternative surname is 'Original Spelling Donig'.
The person suggesting the alternative surname provided this comment: 'This is my great grand father'.
In household 81, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Doney',
a suggested alternative surname is 'Doney/Donig'.
The person suggesting the alternative surname provided this comment: 'This lady is my grandmother's mother.'.
Field Correction Notes on this page
Field correction notes are suggested changes offered by a
proofreader or user, they should not be considered authoritative. If
the transcriber agrees with the suggestion they will change the line.
Notes for changes that have been made are removed periodically. The
presence of an uncorrected note is an extra prompt to the user to
consult the image. It is always good practice to confirm the accuracy
of the transcription by consulting the image.
Field Value Correction Note |
1 |
79 |
Collans | Michael |
M |
Head |
M |
Jan 6 |
1838 |
63 |
On line 1,
the value for the household
field is "79",
the suggested correction is "80". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
Field Value Correction Note |
7 |
80 |
Foley | Mrs. Martin |
F |
Head |
W |
Mar 3 |
1835 |
66 |
On line 7,
the value for the household
field is "80",
the suggested correction is "81". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
Field Value Correction Note |
11 |
81 |
Doney | Theodore |
M |
Head |
M |
Jan 25 |
1842 |
59 |
On line 11,
the value for the household
field is "81",
the suggested correction is "82". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
Field Value Correction Note |
18 |
82 |
Hanrahan | Patrick |
M |
Head |
M |
Mar 17 |
1861 |
40 |
On line 18,
the value for the household
field is "82",
the suggested correction is "83". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
Field Value Correction Note |
21 |
82 |
Hanrahan | Annie May |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Nov 30 |
1900 |
4/12 |
On line 21,
the value for the age
field is "4/12",
the suggested correction is "4 mo". Submitted by Tracey Sheady.
Field Value Correction Note |
22 |
83 |
McNulty | Mrs. Ellen |
F |
Head |
W |
Sep 21 |
1860 |
40 |
On line 22,
the value for the household
field is "83",
the suggested correction is "84". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
Field Value Correction Note |
22 |
83 |
McNulty | Mrs. Ellen |
F |
Head |
W |
Sep 21 |
1860 |
40 |
On line 22,
the value for the household
field is "83",
the suggested correction is "84". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
The following comment was attached: This household should be 84, not 83.
Field Value Correction Note |
24 |
83 |
McNulty | Maggie |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Feb 17 |
1894 |
7 |
On line 24,
the value for the day
field is "17",
the suggested correction is "19". Submitted by Tracey Sheady.
Field Value Correction Note |
27 |
84 |
Enright | Owen |
M |
Head |
M |
Jan 1 |
1867 |
34 |
On line 27,
the value for the household
field is "84",
the suggested correction is "85". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
The following comment was attached: This household should be 85, not 84. Page was transcribed out of order.
Field Value Correction Note |
28 |
84 |
Enright | Catherine |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jun 28 |
1867 |
31 |
On line 28,
the value for the givens
field is "Catherine",
the suggested correction is "Cathrine". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
Field Value Correction Note |
28 |
84 |
Enright | Catherine |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jun 28 |
1867 |
31 |
On line 28,
the value for the givens
field is "Catherine",
the suggested correction is "Cathrine". Submitted by Tracey Sheady.
Field Value Correction Note |
31 |
85 |
Kielly | John C. |
M |
Head |
M |
Jun 13 |
1851 |
49 |
On line 31,
the value for the household
field is "85",
the suggested correction is "86". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
The following comment was attached: This household should be 86, not 85. Page was transcribed out of order so numbers need changing.
Field Value Correction Note |
40 |
86 |
McAdam | William |
M |
Head |
M |
Feb 17 |
1852 |
49 |
On line 40,
the value for the household
field is "86",
the suggested correction is "87". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
The following comment was attached: This household should be 87, ot 86. This page and the next were transcribed out of order, so all numbers need changing.
Field Value Correction Note |
44 |
87 |
Coulas | John |
M |
Head |
W |
Jun 22 |
1855 |
40 |
On line 44,
the value for the household
field is "87",
the suggested correction is "88". Submitted by Lesley O'Neil.
The following comment was attached: This household should be 88, not 87. Page was transcribed out of order.
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Go to: Subdistrict Number: a-3
District: RENFREW (South/Sud)
National: Canada.
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Redistribution requires permission: email census@automatedgenealogy.com