Note: this index is only a partial transcription of the original form, see the image for the complete census data.
indicates a note applies to this line, see the bottom of the page.
@ next to the line number indicates contact information for someone
researching this person, see the bottom of the page.
If you find a transcription error on this page please use the
proof page
to verify the error is in the transcription and not the original, and to report it.
100 |
Sibbett William |
M |
Head |
M |
Sep 6 |
1833 |
100 |
Sibbett Eliza G. |
F |
Wife |
M |
Nov 4 |
1864 |
01 |
100 |
Dickman Frank |
M |
Domestic |
S |
Apr 17 |
1846 |
100 |
Sedore George |
M |
Domestic |
S |
Mar 2 |
1853 |
100 |
McLean Carrie A |
F |
Domestic |
S |
Mar 27 |
1879 |
100 |
Stapley Catherine |
F |
Domestic |
S |
Jul 9 |
1881 |
100 |
Wettlauer Margarett |
F |
Domestic |
S |
Jan 19 |
1880 |
100 |
Fitzsimmons George |
M |
S |
100 |
Dibble Peter |
M |
Lodger |
M |
May 12 |
1875 |
100 |
Dibble Charlott |
F |
Wife |
M |
100 |
Dibble Charles |
M |
Son |
S |
100 |
Palmer Charlie |
M |
Head |
M |
Apr 24 |
1876 |
01 |
100 |
Palmer Mamie |
F |
Wife |
M |
Feb 20 |
1879 |
100 |
Palmer Mildred |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Dec 5 |
1898 |
01 |
100 |
Wardell Ernest |
M |
Head |
M |
May 26 |
1862 |
100 |
Wardell Annie |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jul 29 |
1865 |
100 |
Wardell Annie |
F |
Daughter |
S |
May 9 |
1898 |
100 |
Garbett William |
M |
Lodger |
S |
May 31 |
1860 |
01 |
100 |
MeShaw Minick |
M |
Lodger |
S |
May 21 |
1879 |
100 |
Brophy John |
M |
Lodger |
W |
100 |
Perreault Joseph |
M |
Lodger |
S |
Jul 9 |
1876 |
101 |
Bridgland Samuel |
M |
Head |
M |
Jul 31 |
1847 |
101 |
Bridgland Emma |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jun 9 |
1848 |
01 |
101 |
Bridgland Beatrice |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jul 10 |
1878 |
101 |
Bridgland Gertrude E. |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Apr 4 |
1879 |
101 |
Bridgland Mona |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Oct 12 |
1888 |
01 |
101 |
Bridgland Henry B. |
M |
Brother |
S |
Oct 10 |
1858 |
01 |
101 |
Stewart Charles M |
M |
Lodger |
S |
Mar 21 |
1873 |
101 |
Renex William |
M |
Domestic |
M |
Apr 12 |
1848 |
101 |
Jack Johanna |
F |
Domestic |
S |
about 30
101 |
Pringle Margaret |
F |
sister-in-law |
M |
Feb 26 |
1842 |
101 |
Clark Henry |
M |
Lodger |
S |
Feb 11 |
1880 |
101 |
Foster Thomas |
101 |
Norris Ida |
F |
Domestic |
S |
Dec 6 |
1885 |
001 |
102 |
Stoneman Henry |
M |
Head |
M |
Sep 6 |
1865 |
01 |
102 |
Stoneman Beatrice |
F |
Wife |
M |
Oct 31 |
1870 |
01 |
102 |
Stoneman Dorothy |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Oct 8 |
1892 |
01 |
102 |
Stoneman Aletha |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Sep 6 |
1896 |
01 |
102 |
Stoneman Horance |
M |
Son |
S |
Feb 21 |
1898 |
01 |
102 |
Stoneman Eveline |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Oct 18 |
1900 |
01 |
103 |
Yeoman John |
M |
Head |
M |
Nov 12 |
1852 |
01 |
103 |
Yeoman Mary J. |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jun 13 |
1856 |
01 |
103 |
Yeoman John N. |
M |
Son |
S |
Oct 22 |
1878 |
103 |
Yeoman Jemmia |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Mar 30 |
1881 |
01 |
103 |
Yeoman Mary |
F |
Daughter |
S |
May 22 |
1882 |
103 |
Yeoman Daisy |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Mar 19 |
1885 |
01 |
103 |
Yeoman Joseph A. |
M |
Son |
S |
Jun 26 |
1886 |
01 |
103 |
Yeoman Charlie |
M |
Son |
S |
Nov 12 |
1890 |
01 |
104 |
Thirston John |
M |
Head |
M |
Apr 30 |
1865 |
104 |
Thirston Edna |
F |
Wife |
M |
Sep 9 |
1885 |
Line Notes On This Page
The following note applies to line 1:
'William came from England in 1870 belonged to the Church of England and was a Hotel Keeper according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 2:
'Eliza was born in Quebec of English origins and belonged to the Church of England according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 3:
'Frank came from England in 1876 belonged to the Church of England and was a General Servant at the Hotel according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 4:
'George was born in Ontario of English origins belonged to the Church of England and was stable man according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 5:
'Carrie was born in Ontario of Scottish origins, R.Catholic and a cook according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 6:
'Catherine was born in Ontario of English origisn belonged to the Church of England and was a servant (something else is written there I cannot read. You might want to check the original census)' |
The following note applies to line 7:
'Margaret was born in Ontario of German origins, Lutheran and 'bedroom girl/servant' according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 8:
'The census was being taken in a hotel, perhaps George was not on hand to answer these questions and they just wrote him in.' |
The following note applies to line 9:
'Peter was born in Ontario of English origins, Baptist and an Engineer according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 12:
'Charlie was born in Ontario of Irish origins, Methodist and a tailor according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 15:
'Ernie came from England in 1869 was Presbyterian and a Carpenter according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 16:
'Annie was born in Ontario of english origins and was Presbyterian according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 18:
'Bill came from England in 1881 belonged to the Salvation Army and was a General Labourer according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 19:
'Minick was born in Quebec of French origins, Roman Catholic and a tannery? labourer according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 21:
'JOe was born in Ontario of French origins, Roman Catholic and a general labourer according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 22:
'Sam was born in Ontario of English origins, belonged to the Church of England and was a Dr. of Medicine according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 27:
'Henry was born in Ontario of English origins, belonged to the Church of England and was a Drugist accourding to this census' |
The following note applies to line 28:
'Chaarles was born in Ontario of Scottish origins, Presbyterian and a Dr. of Medicine according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 29:
'William came from Ireland in 1896 and was Presbyterian according to this census (no job class given)' |
The following note applies to line 30:
'Johanna's info must have been given by someone else. Her age is given as "almost" 30. She was born Ontario, Irish origins, Presbyterian and a servant according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 32:
'Henry was born in Ontario of English origins, Methodist and a Public School Teacher according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 33:
The following note applies to line 34:
'Ida was born in Ontario of English origins, Methodist and 'dining room girl/servant' according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 35:
'Henry came from England in 1891 belonged to the Church of England and was ?orstber? Fireman (first word might want to check the original census)' |
The following note applies to line 41:
'John was born in Ontario of Scottish origins, Presbyterian and a stone mason according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 42:
'Mary was born in Ontario of Irish origins, Presbyterian and a Nurse according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 43:
'John was born in Ontario of Scottish origins, Presbyterian and a lumber labourer according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 44:
'Jemmia was born in Ontario of Scottish origins, Presbyterian and a 'tailorin' according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 45:
'Mary was born in Ontario of Scottish origins Presbyterian and a 'Tailorin' according to this census' |
The following note applies to line 49:
'John was born in Ontario of English origins, Methodist and a general labourer according to this census' |
Researcher contact information
Line 23: Researcher contact:
researching desc of Dr. Samuel Bridgland & Emma Fraser>Bridgland More |
Line 31: Researcher contact:
researching life of Margaret Fraser>Pingle More |
Line 45: Researcher contact:
This was my great grandfather (Charles A. Richardson's) second wife. More |
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click here.
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