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District Summary Français
Missisquoi, Quebec
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1 600 Dunham
2 550 Dunham Hillside, Dunboro, Durham and Farnams Corners
3 600 Dunham
4 551 Dunham
5 650 Farnham West
6 650 Farnham West
7 300 Notre-Dame de Stanbridge La partie ouest de la paroisse de Notre-Dame des Anges de Stanbridge
8 450 St. Armand East
9 550 St. Armand East Abbots Corner
10 450 St. Armand West
11 650 St. Armand West St. Armand Station Village
12 400 St. George de Clarenceville
13 550 St. George de Clarenceville Clarence Village
14 300 St. Ignace de Stanbridge North Stanbridge
15 250 St. Ignace de Stanbridge
16 400 St. Ignace de Stanbridge
17 650 St. Thomas
18 450 Stanbridge Station
19 250 Stanbridge Station Pike River
20 400 Stanbridge Stanbridge East and Riceburg Villages
21 450 Stanbridge Stanbridge East Village
22 150 Bedford North Ward
23 250 Bedford South Ward
24 1100 Bedford Centre Ward
25 700 Farnham
26 600 Farnham
27 700 Farnham
28 650 Farnham
29 1050 Farnham
30 500 Cowansville
31 450 Cowansville
32 300 Dunham
33 300 Frelighsburg
34 400 Notre-Dame de Stanbridge Notre-Dame de Stanbridge Parish and Notre-Dame de Stanbridge Village
35 400 Notre-Dame de Stanbridge Notre-Dame de Stanbridge Parish and Notre-Dame de Stanbridge Village
36 350 Philipsburg
37 350 Sweetsburg