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1911 Census of Canada Indexing Project
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National Summary Français
7,584,212 lines transcribed! (100.01%)
Province Lines
Alberta 413,334
British Columbia 406,269
Manitoba 481,100
New Brunswick 362,577
Northwest Territories 31,856
Nova Scotia 508,524
Ontario 2,642,620
Prince Edward Island 98,103
Quebec 2,078,471
Saskatchewan 542,506
Yukon Territory 18,800

This is an index to every name enumerated in the 1911 Census of Canada with the personal data transcribed, links to images of the original census pages, and links to other records for individuals including: census records from other years, birth, marriage, death, and other records.

Transcription, proof reading, and linking is done by volunteers and no registration or payment is required to view the index.

Images of the 1911 census forms are loaded directly from the 1911 Census site at Library and Archives Canada.