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District Summary Français
Wright, Quebec
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1 650 Aumond
2 950 Aylwin Kazabazua Village
3 1200 Bouchette
4 800 Bouchette Burbridge and Bouchette Villages
5 650 Cameron
6 900 Denholm Wakefield Denholm Township and Wakefield Township
7 750 Eardly Luskville Village
8 500 Eardley
9 1850 Egan
10 750 Hincks Saint Mary
11 1850 Hull South Deschenes Village
12 1250 Hull West Old Chelsea, Ironside and Kirks Ferry, Municipality of West Hull
14 800 Hull East
15 600 Kensington
16 550 Low
17 750 Low
18 700 Lytton Baskatong Township and Sicotte Township
19 950 Maniwaki La paroisse de Lasomption
20 600 Maniwaki
21 1250 Masham Ste. Cécile and Masham Mills Villages
22 800 Masham
23 600 Northfield
24 600 Templeton West
25 750 Templeton West
26 900 Templeton West Perkins Village, Perkins Township
27 1404 Templeton East
28 650 Wakefield
29 400 Wakefield East of Gatineau River
30 1200 Wright
31 2250 Hull Ward 3a
32 1050 Hull Ward 3a
33 1451 Hull Ward 3a
34 1700 Hull Ward 5
35 1600 Hull Ward 5
36 1701 Hull Ward 1, Wrightville
37 1700 Hull Ward 4
38 1700 Hull Ward 2, Ward 3a, Ward 5
39 1050 Hull Ward 1, Ward 2
40 350 Hull Ward 5
41 2100 Hull Ward 3a
42 1500 Hull Ward 4
43 1750 Aylmer
44 1550 Aylmer
45 300 Gatineau Point
46 650 Gatineau Point Pointe Gatineau Parish, Ottawa River
47 850 Gatineau Point
48 300 Gracefield
49 500 Maniwaki Indian Reserve Township of Maniwaki
50 100 Michomis Baskatong, Ferme de l`Eturgeon, Ferme de l`Isle